Bunnies United™

Where Twitchy Longo upon his wooden hut spreads his postive Bunnie Propaganda upon the masses. Bunnies United™ is a registered trademark and is operated by Rob Longo & 2121 Productions LLC.

Sunday, January 07, 2007

We salute Tiggy of the Kitty Konfederation 12/21/97 - 1/7/07

We here at Bunnies United always promote and proclaim all things bun and the glorious ways of bun. This day though we take a special moment of silence for one whose allegiance was of the feline persuasion, Tiggy. Tiggy was part of the Kitty Confederation but she was a fighter, for she could hold her own against her very fat brother and thus we salute her. Tiggy was known for her loud wonderful purrs, her night time snuggly nature, and her love of blankets. We will miss Tiggy for she always respected our land and ran from us when appropriate. All of us at Bunnies United Headquarters know she is in a better place. Our hearts reach out to her Mommy who always made the best choices for her and allowed her to lead a charmed life at least for a Kitty. Rest in Peace Tiggy we all love and miss you dearly. Purrrrrrrr...


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