Bunnies United™

Where Twitchy Longo upon his wooden hut spreads his postive Bunnie Propaganda upon the masses. Bunnies United™ is a registered trademark and is operated by Rob Longo & 2121 Productions LLC.

Friday, November 25, 2005

Foiled again!

It takes a great bun to obtain glory and an even greater bun to admit defeat. Yes, even I the great Twitchy have at times been defeated. I met my match this Thanksgiving Day. The man who brings us treats gave us the Magical Hay Box again. The Magical Hay Box appears from time to time filled with delicious hay. I usually attack and destroy this wonderous device with much vigor and lo'behold it appears from time to time again! But on this day it got the best of me. Not once, not twice, but three times, I got my lil bun head stuck in one of the holes. The man with treats thought it was amusing that I would panic, then stop to eat the hay, and then panic again trying to rid myself of this infernal contraption. He eventually removed it from my presence and placed it above me where I looked upon it with much scorn. Until next time Magical Hay Box until next time...

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

My Plan

My bunnie plans are all coming together...
Yes, years of scheming will finally pay off...
Soon I shall unleash my new plan for Bunnie world domination...
Yes, you all thought I was foiled from Halloween...

But no I have returned! I saved what dignity I could. Now I employ this fiendishly awesome black cape to mastermind my next move...

Oh look treats yummy!

Sunday, November 06, 2005

Kingdom of Bun

Some fo my loyal bun readers might be wondering what kind of setup I enjoy. Its pretty sweet save of course for my sister Fluff E Nutter sharing my cage. I have a nice clean cage with a good sturdy litter box that's changed regularly, two water bottles, my favorite wooden hutch, some toys, an outside purple castle (thats my sister's), and an outside the cage penned area. The man who feeds us treats got us this dog enclosure so we have more room to run and binky in. Yeah, I said dog enclosre because my lil sister (though she is rather rotund) tries to escape alot. I prefer to hang out and just chill in the cage when she is out in the yard. A castle in the Kingdom of Bun or a prison?